Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Partners in crime

Last night was so much fun! It was another Pitaiyo (Pilates Tai Chi Yoga) class and Brooke got to come along, too! It's always so much better to have a friend sweating alongside of you as the instructor systematically kicks your ass into better shape. Quote of the night: "June is just around the corner! Guys, don't think you don't have to work as hard as the girls--they like tight buns, too!"

I swear, at one point during a particularly vicious plank, all of the muscles in my body were shaking with the effort to simply hold myself up. It is at times like that I really wish that I weighed less. But! I can already see the difference in my arm muscles! And ohmygoodness, I could feel my obliques this morning. It's like muscles I never knew existed are starting to spring to toned life.

I'm regaining my flexibility, too. Last night our "party trick" of the evening was to transition into the splits (I'm not sure what party I would ever flaunt that skill...unless it was a *private* party). I wasn't able to make it all the way down, but I was only about 3" away from the floor on my right side, which is amazing.

Ok, and I know everyone says this, but my clothes fit better, too. The only reason that is troubling is because it does not help me with Resolution #2, "Be more thankful for what you already have." It makes me want to celebrate and buy myself new clothes, which I have kind of already done. According to Cameron, I lasted 16 days without buying something. Go me!

I fell asleep at the end of the class again. I'm going to blame it on the fact that I didn't eat before working out and my body was shutting down in self defense/lack of sugar.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Thank god I didn't snore

So, last Thursday I decided to end my work-out week with a bang and go to a Pilates class. I love Pilates because it uses so many of the skills I had learned in ballet and thus, I don't feel so out of shape. Everything was going great and then came my favorite part of the class, the cool down period. The instructor turned off the lights and we all laid down on our mats and tried our best to "concentrate on the rhythm" of our breathing while simultaneously relaxing every muscle in our bodies.

Apparently, I did this quite well because I fell asleep and straight into a dream. When I woke up the lights were still out (thank god) but everyone else had gotten up and moved to a different position. Hopefully, they just thought that I was really into being restful.

Needless to say, I skipped my post-class ellipticalling and headed home to catch some intentional zzz's.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Globo Gym

I joined the local version of Globo Gym three days ago. They officially have me by the wallet for the next 36 months. A long time, I know, but I was so excited to join that nothing was going to stop me. And, I got a free t-shirt. Sold.

Since then, I've taken two classes. One was called "Pitaiyo," aka "Kick-my-ass." The instructor told us to guess how old she was and then we proceeded to count down from her age for the set. Unfortunately, she was not 15...or 25. The other was just a house and garden version of Pilates.

Every morning since joining, I wake up, sit up, and groan as every muscle in my torso announces its presence. The silver lining: every night upon leaving the 24-hour megalith, I am as high as a goddamn kite. Endorphins are crazy things. I can understand how someone can truly become addicted to working out. I honestly feel invincible!

p.s. Because it is a gym open around the clock, I cannot wait to work-out at say, 3am, and then wander around the locker room in my birthday suit. Until then, there are too many people I wouldn't want to see me naked. Like ex-boyfriends' moms.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Be more active!

"Lose weight" is such an over-used phrase that it feels like it has lost it's meaning. America is the most obese country in the world--or at least it looks like it sometimes. The point is, everyone wants to lose weight, but not everyone follows through.

However, I don't need to lose weight, I just don't want to be the one panting when I go on a run with my dog. According to AARP's online BMI calculator, my BMI is 21.2 and completely within the normal healthy range. (Note: Don't take the results of this online test too seriously.) However, my workout-a-holic sister who regularly treadmills 4-5 miles at a time would argue that I am unhealthy even though I am slim.

I'll agree.

Case in point: 2006-2009 saw a lot of what I'll call "Sedentary Liz." Best case scenario: My ideal day would consist of morning yoga and afternoon kayaking with perhaps an evening bike ride thrown in there for good measure. (Obviously, in the best-case scenario I'd also be a millionaire with no need to hold a job.) Revised best case scenario: I'd love for yoga, kayaking and riding a bike to be a part of my normal routine.

Being "more active" means that I have to get off my butt and get out into the world. Exercise is not the activity, merely the by-product of whatever fun thing I'm doing. (I'd also like to "tighten it up.") Here we go!


According to research done at the University of Scranton, only 46% of people keep their New Year's Resolutions. And it should come as no surprise that some version of "lose weight" is at the top of everyone's list.

Well, duh, people are lazy. They are also well-meaning and full of good intentions, but when the going gets tough, the tough get a cookie.

I forgot about making New Year's Resolutions until somewhere around January 2nd or 3rd. Meh. I can't even remember what my resolutions were from last year, but I'm guessing that I didn't keep them.

So, this year I decided to make resolutions that I have a chance of keeping. In order to do so, I decided that I had to set goals that were realistic for me. I don't like to work out and fitness buffs who wake up early to go to the gym before work baffle me, while women with Madonna arms intimidate me.

Step 1. Phrase my goals in friendly, attainable language.

Resolution #1. Be more active.
Resolution #2. Be more thankful for what you already have.

Step 2. Enlist someone to hold me accountable.

Enter, Cameron.